HydraForce Insider Blog

8 Easy Steps to create a 3D Hydraulic Manifold Model

Posted by David Price on Wed, Mar 09, 2011 @ 14:03 PM

When designing a hydraulic manifold, engineers will use a 3D model of a cavity in their CAD/3D modeling software in order to model the proper flow paths of the manifold. Unfortunately, due to various software compatibility issues and inconsistencies in model configuration, the manifold designer has to copy the 3D outline of the cavity, make a 2D outline, then use the 2D outline to create a 3D model. Not only is this process time consuming, but it involves several unnecessary steps.

When designing a hydraulic manifold, engineers will use a 3D model of a cavity in their CAD/3D modeling software in order to model the proper flow paths of the manifold. Unfortunately, due to various software compatibility issues and inconsistencies in model configuration, the manifold designer has to copy the 3D outline of the cavity, make a 2D outline, then use the 2D outline to create a 3D model. Not only is this process time consuming, but it involves several unnecessary steps.

8 Easy Steps to create a 3D Hydraulic Model:

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Tags: manifold design, creating 3D models

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